Chinatown Now

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Five Questions with The Manifest

Alisha Mahone. Coffee Manager

1. What is your favorite thing about Chinatown?

I feel like for me, it's cool to see my peer group and people from my generation in a work/business environment and a community setting.

2. And your least favorite?

I hate seeing the desperation around town. Seeing so many people not doing well is sad to see, and it's sad to see us not doing more malama-ing our external community.

3. If you could describe a "normal" day at work, what does that consist of?

Walking around town, saying hi to everyone familiar, making sure I'm careful not to jaywalk so I don't get a fat ticket, seeing young professionals walking around before I start my day.

4. What places in Chinatown are your go-to for shopping? Food/drink?

Ginger13. I looooove Ginger13. Owens&Co. In4mation. For food though, Fort Street Mall has the best bet. It's the most diverse foods at college kid prices.

5. If Chinatown could be encapsulated in a drink, what would that drink be?

Water. Chinatown would be water. Cuz it's the real-real. Just itself.